Thank you, from our hearts, for trusting us and being part of the Josefinas universe. Thank you for believing in Josefinas, our mission, and the craftsmanship of our master shoemakers.
2021 was an exciting year, and we had the privilege of living extraordinary moments side by side with people who fight with us for a better world.
Today, we highlight the best of each month. In retrospect, none of this would be possible without all of you, on that side, accompanying us with affection.

In January...
We became the first Portuguese fashion brand to protect its intellectual property on blockchain!
Since the beginning of the year, we have been able to prove the seniority and ownership of our designs, documents, products, and plans for the future through proof-of-existence certificates generated by Clarke Modet's registration technology.
In February...
The Josefinas Confidence arrived!
We knew that in 2021 we wanted to continue a path of innovation, celebrating resilience and betting on new models and collections. We take inspiration from the women who fight for their goals and present Josefinas Confidence, which are already the favorites of many women.
In March...
The Josefinas' Book Club celebrated 1 year!
We believe that books are windows to other realities, and that exchanging views makes us more tolerant and empathetic. So, in 2021, we celebrated the first anniversary of the #JosefinasBookClub with a collection of books for the Npili School. In total, thanks to your generosity, we have collected over 7 thousand books!

In April...
We were chosen for the Live Cases of the University of Chicago!
Josefinas' name traveled to the United States of America and integrated the curriculum of an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management - Northwestern University, in Chicago.
In May...
The Josefinas Tiptoe arrived!
After the No.1 Collection, consisting of the classical ballerinas, and the Square Collection, with a square front, we have created a collection that includes 9 models of pointed and sophisticated ballerinas, which do not compromise the comfort that we always stand for.
In June...
Josefinas accompanied amazing women on their special days.
More and more women prefer comfort on their wedding day... In 2021, our craftsmen and master shoemakers created, with all the love and dedication, meaningful Josefinas for many, many brides.

In July...
We celebrated our 8th anniversary!
And we did it big, with an unprecedented campaign and the launch of ThePinkBond, Josefinas' private club, where members have access to exclusive conditions and extraordinary advantages.
In August...
The most desired color has come to our Power Lunch!
We kept the characteristics that make this lunch box unique, and responded to the request of our customers: we presented Power Lunch Beige, in the neutral shade our customers and fans were desiring.
In September...
Our Bucket Bag has arrived!
Joint, The Classic, The Lover and The Hiker celebrate the individuality of each woman and highlight the features that make her unique and special. Because our identity is not defined by the roles we play in our routines, right?

In October...
Josefinas became part of the exhibition at the Fashion and Fabric Museum!
A pair of Josefinas Blue Persian Salt, a special edition that unites the art of making shoes with the savoir-faire of master jewelers, came to be featured in the exhibition of WOW - Fashion and Fabric Museum, in Vila Nova de Gaia.
In November...
Audacity was the watchword!
Josefinas Audacity, perfect for winter, challenge us to celebrate our achievements and enter the new year with the certainty that we are capable of achieving all the goals we set for ourselves (because we are!).
In December...
We were part of incredible surprises!
It is with great pride (and with a heart full of joy!) that we keep these secrets until the ideal moment. This Christmas, extraordinary women have been surprised with Josefinas who will accompany them on many adventures from now on.

Happy 2022!