Conquered by the title and the cover, we chose this book without great expectations, because we still didn't know Kate Mascarenhas’ writing. However, and because we don't recommend books that we do not know, we let ourselves be carried away by the premise. The outcome? We couldn't have loved it more, and we immediately knew that we had to include this reading in the Josefinas' Book Club!
"The Psychology of Time Travel" combines a dose of science fiction with detective and mystery. The book breaks the rules of space and time, presents stories that connect intelligently, deconstructs prejudices, and challenges us to think about our own reality.
Kate Mascarenhas introduces us to four friends, all of them scientists, who make a discovery that changes the world. Pioneers in adventures among times and moments, Barbara, Grace, Lucille, and Margaret are the protagonists. Their work turns into an unprecedented empire.

We would like to reveal just a bit more, but we're afraid it'll be too much, and we end up spoiling your reading. But this book is truly full of details and secrets. To sharpen your curiosity, we can say that all the characters are women (even in the stories that happen in parallel), that the book begins with a murder and that topics such as feminism, sexuality, death, mental illness, and friendship between women are addressed.
This is not a book about technology – and, in fact, the explanations fall far short of the requirement of those who like this area – but rather about psychology: everything happens around psychological questions and dilemmas.
Join us in this reading and share your theories in the Josefinas' Book Club, on WhatsApp (HERE) or on Telegram (HERE).
Have a nice reading!