Jessica Bennett is gender editor at The New York Times, and this is her first book.
The “Feminist Fight Club” began as a real club (fight and men-free). Every month, in a New York apartment, a group of women – between the ages of 20 and 30, creative and workers starting their careers – used to meet and vent about several subjects of their daily lives. In these meetings, Jessica eventually realized that several situations experienced daily were the result of a sexist work environment. Then, came the book.
The author won us over with her truthful manner and her way of addressing problems that women all around the world daily experience. Jessica writes for those who recognize the injustices of the patriarchal culture, and she's direct and raw when it comes to proposing solutions. Through her words, she motivates us to act and makes us believe that we are no less intelligent or less capable, and that we don't always have to be pleasant, affectionate, and afraid of asking too much.

The lessons are divided into six illustrated, valuable, and interesting parts, where the journalist combines statistical data with experiences lived by herself, her friends, and even other names of the feminist struggle (Michelle Obama and Maya Angelou are two of the women highlighted).
“Feminist Fight Club” is a book that seems like a relaxed and sincere conversation between girlfriends – Jessica is the friend who knows no filters and speaks openly with the sharpest sense of humor. Although the subject is quite serious, we all like a hint of irony and lightness, right?
In the words of the author, "It is an action, an attitude, a state of mind, a collective call to arms" and, at the beginning of August, we leave the suggestion of yet another book that should be read by everyone – men or women!
Josefinas' Book Club is on Instagram (share your photos and use #JosefinasBookClub), but also on WhatsApp (HERE) and on Telegram (HERE).