In this article, we share with you some of the books, written by women, that have had an impact on us and that have a special place in our hearts.
"Men Explain Things To Me", by Rebecca Solnit
As a designer, Diana believes it is important to understand the motivations that drive society to seek change and her current role as a citizen to to create a better future for all. Books are part of her day-to-day life and support her in this research, in her contribution to a fairer and happier world. "Men Explain Things To Me" is one of them.
“A collection of incredibly strong essays that tell us about the different types of silencing and violence that women are subjected to, often easily identifiable in our daily lives, but almost always trivialized and accepted by society in general.

This was not always an easy read because of this issue's violent nature, but it was very striking for me because of the pertinent (and still necessary!) reminder of the importance of feminism, which the author defines as "an effort to change something very old, widespread, and deeply rooted in many cultures". "Men Explain Things to Me" helped me understand the origins of collective reporting movements such as #MeToo. It made me realize that many small voices together make up a very loud voice, and that to stand with these women is to be on the right side of the fight for that change." – Diana, designer.
“The Distant Hours", by Kate Morton
Isabela has always seen books as a tool to stimulate her imagination, and the truth is that even today books continue to inspire her. Even if she doesn't read as much as she would like to at this stage of her life, her favorite books are still the more engaging ones, that create mind games, that allow her to immerse herself in the story. For this article, she chose “The Distant Hours” by Kate Morton.

"Kate Morton became one of my favorite writers when I was in high school. This author describes the settings, painting a story in detail, and manages to explore the characters in various dimensions, bringing them to life and conveying their feelings.
"The Distant Hours" was the book that most struck and surprised me. It explores the concept of family and how it has evolved and changed over time, but at the same time it addresses the secrets we keep and the sacrifices we make for those who are closest and dearest to us. An excellent choice to pass the time and disconnect from the reality of our daily lives." – Isabela, designer.
"Memoirs of Hadrian", by Marguerite Yourcenar
Even though this is a common conversation among all of us, Joana must be the person on the team who most likes to know what we think about the books we are reading. For her, books are a good addiction (and she is right!) and she looks at them as precious ornaments of her life. "Memoirs of Hadrian" was the book that she decided to share in this article.

Photo: @sandrasomeral (via Instagram)
"The universe of literature is vast and full of magic, and there are books that reinforce that. This is (another) one of them.
Emperor Aurelius, reflecting on and sharing the adventures he experienced, and the impact his legacy had on the improvement of Roman society, as well as on progress regarding the condition of slaves and women. These topics are of great interest to me and her work was outstanding and therefore should be shared. This is, for me, an inspiring book that conveys lightness and serenity." – Joana, Retail Manager.
"A Menina do Mar", by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
Francisca's choice takes us back to childhood and values not only the author, Sophia, known for her children's stories, but also the woman who allowed her to discover her love for reading: her elementary school teacher. Francisca has always enjoyed reading and has always been passionate about the world of letters - and "A Menina do Mar" (directly translated to ‘The Girl From the Sea’) is proof of this.

"Sophia's children's tales were the pioneers in my relationship with reading, and "A Menina do Mar" was the first book I devoured at the age of 9, and which I remember with great fondness. It is a lovely story about the strength of friendship between a boy from land and a girl from the sea, from two worlds so close and so different, and teaches us that "friend is a very beautiful word, it is almost the best word".
The simplicity of Sophia's words and her strong relationship with the sea and with nature drew me to her work early on. That is why, even today, when I need to unplug and unwind, I look for a place by the sea or, when at home, I read a poem by Sophia." – Francisca, Customer Service Manager.
“Eat, Pray, Love", by Elizabeth Gilbert
If you knew Carolina and the amount of time she spends clutching a book, you would never say that her love of reading only came about after college, when the compulsory readings stopped and she was able to find her favorite books. "Eat, Pray and Love" was a striking book for her and it is her recommendation.

Photo: @bib.lio.phile2020 (via Instagram)
"Even though the Elizabeth portrayed in the book and I were at different stages of life when I read "Eat, Pray, Love", her journey proved to be extremely inspiring, and brought me comfort during a difficult time. This was a book that made me reflect on my path and the person I wanted (and still want) to be.
And, when someone around me is struggling with the monsters of anxiety or depression (or a more stressful and delicate situation), this is one of the books I recommend without hesitation. The questions raised by Elizabeth Gilbert in "Eat, Pray, Love" are more than the answers the book provides (after all, everyone should find their own answers), but they are undoubtedly an excellent starting point for a lighter, brighter future." - Carolina, Brand Manager.
“Brand Brilliance", by Fiona Humber
Antonio has been working with us since day one and his readings are essentially technical. He likes to know more, to learn, to understand how we can improve our craft creation process, how we can offer better products. However, not all his readings are about technical designs of shoes or bags. Sometimes he also delves into books on management, branding, or sustainability. "Brand Brilliance" is his choice.

"Brand Brilliance" is a guide that, while not promising success, helps us chart the best path for the business at hand (a brand, a service, a product, a blog, whatever.) Although it is really intended for brands, I believe it can be applied to any project, regardless of whether it has a commercial aspect.
I share this suggestion with you because, even though it is not very recent, it is a book that focuses on the basic elements. Through many pictures and headlines, "Brand Brilliance" includes a lot of pertinent information, many tips, many examples, and success stories." - António, Production Director.