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Josefinas’ Stories

03 Dec 2021
Rupi Kaur is a fan of Josefinas!
One of the most respected contemporary poets was enchanted by the magic of Josefinas Moscow.
19 Oct 2021
Zooey Deschanel takes Josefinas to the Emmy
I spy with mt little eye: Josefinas Cheshire Cat at the Emmy Awards!
13 May 2021
Ellie Goldstein wears Josefinas!
The model who has been breaking stereotypes wears Josefinas!
04 Mar 2021
Zooey Deschanel wears Josefinas again
This time, Zooey chose Josefinas Cheshire Cat and shared a special moment of the day with her fans.
15 Apr 2020
7 moments when Michelle Obama caused a stir on flats
Michelle Obama believes, as we do, that she doesn't need to wear high heels to look elegant.
25 Mar 2020
Who was Maya Angelou?
Poet, memoirist, feminist, civil rights activist, woman. Maya Angelou was a fierce woman, who will live on forever.
13 Sep 2019
Zooey Deschanel steps out in Josefinas Vegan Black
We have always loved Zooey and her feminie and elegant style... And she has chosen Josefinas for a special moment!
09 Nov 2018
Alice Avery does a music video wearing Josefinas Olivia
In her new videoclip "ADDICTED", Alice strolls around New York with her Josefinas Olivia.